On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Depression and Family

Its been really hard going through all the emotions. I think we are all upset and trying to avoid the reality of what Mom's diagnosis is. I think she is trying to avoid it too as much as possible. Family,moms, dads, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. There are so many aspects of life that we all have to be responsible for. We have to be there for each other and not fight or be destructive because we are afraid to communicate with one another. I understand that we all secretly want someone to blame or to find a reason, but the reality is that with cancer there is no answer.

I really do believe that she will beat this cancer. I have faith in God and that His will is to heal her. I pray that my family will be able to come together and be open, truly open and communicate.

My mom has agreed to go to therapy with me. I think this is huge. We definitely need this to be able to truly say everything that we harbor inside both of us and to let out our frustrations and anger with this disease out and not on each other because we love each other so much and at times it is difficult to not be mad or really sad and want to put blame on something or be angry at something. I am speaking from my heart and I know that we are all upset and hurting and trying to hide it. I don't want to hide it anymore. I don't want to have anything festering inside of me or my family and I don't want anything to hold me or my family back. We need to be able discuss all of this and so even though I know we are all depressed and trying to hide it, we are going to be talk about it with a professional. Thank you. Thank you all for being a part of our lives.

God Bless America.

-Vanessa Hudson Reyes

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