On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Monday, October 24, 2011

So far this week

Please read the last post for the latest update with Dr's office from last thursday. As far as this week goes, mom isn't feeling too well. She has fluid building up again and will have to go get it drained (thoracentesis) again possibly tomorrow. She is in pain on the right side of her chest. As the fluid builds in the pleural space outside the lung it begins to crush the lung.

We have not been able to get the new medicine Crizotinib yet because the pharmacy did not have it and has to order it. She is checking with them everyday on when it will arrive so that she may go get it. We don't know the exact cost of it yet either, but without insurance it is somewhere around and close to $10,000 for a one month -30 day supply. That is what we were told by the doctor. Even though the medical expenses are astronomical, the fact that mom has been receptive to the chemo (for the most part) thus far and the fact that she is positive for this ALK gene, the expectations are high for the positive results from the crizotinib. It is a pill with minimal side effects. Please God let this work on her and make her no evidence of disease!!!! We are all hopeful and praying!!

Thank you all. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask and post them. Thanks.



  1. Hang in there and fight the good fight. Every good thought I can muster is headed your way.

  2. Thank you Mike! God Bless!

