On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Bad, the good news, and the unknown.

Well, the CT scan results were good and bad, but more bad than good. However, now we have an opportunity for great. I will explain, but I wanted everyone to know that there is a possible, very positive outcome in all this first.

So, we were sitting in the room and the Physician Assistant came in looking VERY grim and started reading all the results of the scan. He said there’s good and bad. He said: the bad is you have a tumor next to your heart and it is growing minimally. The pleural wall thickening has increased also. The good is that the tumors in your right lung have decreased in size. You won’t get any more chemo because Six rounds is the limit for you and it doesn’t look like it is working well enough anymore. The tumor and thickening that have grown may be a different mutation of the cancer or a different type. The cancer travels through blood and that is how it metastasizes (moves around in the body and attaches itself there).
It was very traumatic and difficult to hear. So, I immediately asked the PA about the genetic testing that was done on the fluid in her lungs (that had the cancer cells in it- the testing is done for the purpose of targeted therapy) <Side Note: I have asked every meeting with PA since July when it was done. Results came in August when they switched doctors on us and then the results were ‘lost’, but at the last appointment I asked again and he said he would personally find them>, the results were in the chart and it found that she was positive for the ALK Gene. However, it was a partial mutation. I don’t know what that means yet because I don’t have a copy of the results. I will ask for them. Anyway, this is good news. Once the PA and Doctor saw the  results of this they became so excited for my moms future and what this means. They were so giddy and practically dancing over finding out that she had this ALK gene. The FDA recently pushed to pass a drug called Crizotiib that is targeted for this ALK gene. The difference means that where Chemo works 30% this pill drug with minimal side effects works 70% results. Only 5% of lung cancers have this ALK gene mutation. It is incredibly rare.This is amazing that she has it. It is unknown territory, but this is great. It is positive. It is good news. We now have another chance at beating this disease!! She can heal with our prayers!! Everyone must believe this and believe in God's will and understanding.
It is so easy to fall into a dark place of the hopelessness and helplessness that is felt when you are dealing with cancer. We all must stay positive and remember our faith and believe in God's healing power. Pray with me.... us.....

I pray that she will become No Evidence of Disease (NED). God please continue to heal her physically and emotionally. Be with her always and let her feel your strength and goodness. Help her to know that she is not alone and that we all support her. Please God Bless her soul, forgive her for any wrong and misgivings, absolve her of all her sins. Please lord be with her. She is so good and amazing and we need her presence in our lives. Please Lord be with us and hear our prayers. Amen.
God, I ask you to heal her. I love her so much and I am not ready for any more bad news. I know that is selfish of me, but I ask you to please heal her. She is one of your vessels and I appreciate that, but please let her be a learning experience and heal her. Thank you for all that you have done. I know you are with us and I appreciate your kindness and your help in everything that you give us. Thank you. Amen.

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