On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Mom had a good weekend!

Even though tuesday was a very difficult day for us, mom has continued her focus on being positive and staying strong. She has been working and keeping life as normal as possible. She has agreed to drink Kombucha tea again which makes me really happy. Its an awesome tea that just really helps boost the immune system and full is of good enzymes and probiotics. Anyway, its just good for her and its healthy. She also has agreed to take the IP6 and Inositol supplements which are also awesome in boosting the immune system. Both of these things are something that in my research and in communicating with other Non small cell lung cancer stage 4 survivors say they take are going on years of survival and some are now No Evidence of Disease (NED). I don't if these will really help and there is no such thing as a miracle cure, but the way I look at it is that its not gonna hurt and in researching it, it really is just good for the immune system. The immune system is very important to monitor in fighting cancer. So, I'm just glad she's taking it anyway. I will post some info on these after.

Anyway, I spent the night on friday with mom and I made spaghetti for dinner. We watched NCIS and talked about seeing another doctor to get another opinion. I showed her some of the discussion forums that I have joined where other people around the world who are fighting this disease come together and talk about what they are going through and how we can all help each other. There are many  people that feel like we do when our doctors just aren't trying enough or don't know enough specifically to want to try. They see that you are stage 4 and don't really see a point in trying. Now that I've said that, other people on these forums come through saying that they were in that same position and decided to go get another opinion (even though their doctors were supposed to be the best in their area as well). Anyway, they got another opinion and are doing extremely well today. They found new doctors who didn't stick with standard protocol and did what they thought would be right for those individual people. I am just hoping that we find another doctor who will fight as hard as my mom is. She really is an inspiration!!

So friday night was good and on saturday we got up and went for a drive to the outlet mall. It was packed with christmas shoppers. Mom and I went to only a couple stores- Yankee candle, bath and bodyworks, and neiman marcus last call. We both got a candle, a hand soap, and sweater (and all at extremely great discount savings plus we had gift cards! Cool). We weren't there too long, maybe an hour and a half and then headed back home in the rain and almost ran out of gas too! After that, we went to mom's good friend and hair dresser Michael and he trimmed her bangs a little and gave her a big hug and kiss. It was nice and I think mom had a good day. We went back to the house had enchiladas for dinner and then mom needed to rest.

This morning, John (my older brother), Darinka (his wife), and I met at the house to get a christmas tree for mom. We picked out a really nice noble fir maybe 8-9feet and we all decorated it together. It was fun and it was really great being together. We had a good weekend.

This week is going to be interesting. Mom will continue to work and I will continue to research treatment options. We are going to discuss options with her doctor on tuesday. He is supposed to be giving us several options and inform us about several clinical trials. Regardless, I am going to be prepared and have lots of questions. I am also hoping to hear from MD Anderson and I will go to the START center and seek out an another evaluation. I just want to be thorough and be sure that all bases are covered.

Keep praying and continue your faith!! God bless.


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