On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Results and Course of Action

Today, we received the PET scan results. We now know that it is stage IV Non-small cell lung cancer. First, everyone needs to know that people do survive this. The doctor says there is no cure, but people in this stage and with this disease do survive it and are cancer free. The focus is to remain positive. Know that God will heal her. It is his will. God is the great physician. Believe in him.

Next step is to meet with another doctor to discuss the pro's and con's of pleurodesis vs an intercostal drain to treat the pleural effusion and to discuss pro's and con's of both during chemo treatment. We need to start chemo as soon as possible. This is imperative. She will need to undergo 8 or 9 treatments of chemo and then we will retest ct scans, MRI's, PET scans, pathology and cytology, and all of the above. I have asked if after the treatments a surgery is possible, the answer is yes. It is possible. She will beat this and get through the chemo treatment. It will be tough, but she is the toughest woman I know. She also the kindest and most gracious.

I know she will be healthy. I know she is going to fight. We will not have doubts or give up. We will find a way to cover the costs. She will survive!!!

God Bless you all!

-Vanessa Hudson Reyes

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