On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Damn You, Cancer | Owning Pink

Damn You, Cancer | Owning Pink

I found this website tonight and I wanted to share it. It is another blog and it discusses a lot of different things not just cancer. Some of you may know of it already. It has been noted in the media (Oprah show and others).

I especially like this blog topic- http://www.owningpink.com/blogs/owning-pink/understand-why-you-may-be-sick-suffering . This blog explains that the reason we are here and exist is to continue God's work, the reason we encounter pain is to better understand ourselves, our needs, and the needs of others. It is because we as a society don't know how to appreciate perfection, the world we live in, we have to keep learning and working to create the world we are hoping for- a world of understanding, love, tolerance, and kindness.

Anyway, I have enjoyed it and I hope you do too.

-Vanessa Hudson Reyes


  1. Thank you Chelsea!!

    Our keeping our immune system up is an important part of fighting this disease. I really enjoyed your site and am glad you have posted the link to it. It looks like a wonderful place. I rejoice in any and every way that we fight this disease!

    God bless!

