On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Interesting new type of therapy to consider

Well, now that mom has a new doctor and wants to evaluate where she is at and continuing treatment, I would like to ask him what he thinks about Photodynamic therapy (PDT)—a type of laser therapy. A chemical is injected into the bloodstream. It is then absorbed by the cells of the body. The chemical rapidly leaves normal cells. It will remain in cancer cells for a longer time. A laser aimed at the cancer activates the chemical. This chemical then kills the cancer cells that have absorbed it. This treatment may also be used to reduce symptoms.
Its a new type of treatment that is not widely used, but is considered a potential therapy by the National Cancer Institute. Anyway, we will have to wait and see until after September 9 when mom gets more scans done and we can see whether its just scar tissue or new little tumor cells in the pleural space.

I have faith that the Dr. is only going to see scar tissue and that he will see the tumors are shrinking.

The main thing we all must do is continue to pray and ask God to hear our prayers to heal her.

-Vanessa Hudson Reyes

Monday, August 29, 2011

Prayer to heal Cindy Sue Hudson of Cancer

O God, our Father, Your Word says that You are a very present help in the time of need. I come to You now on behalf of Cindy Sue Hudson who is suffering with cancer. Father, I ask You, in the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, to touch and heal her.
Distance is no problem for You, God. As I pray, You are there with her, even as close as the very breath she breathes. So I am asking You to touch her body and heal her.

Now, you foul disease called cancer, I speak to you. Go from her body in the Name of Jesus! I command you, cancerous cells, to wither and die at the roots in the Name of Jesus!! Devil, I bind your power in Cindy's life, and I command healing to come to her now, in the Name of Jesus!

Father, I ask You to replace with new cells those that have been damaged by cancer. God, You can do that, because what is impossible with man is possible with You. You are a God who cares, and we believe You will do it just because we have asked. You love us that much.

Father, may strength and wholeness come into Cindy's body this very day. Thank You, Lord, for doing it.

I thank You, Jesus that we will hear good reports from people who have been healed because they held fast to their confession of faith without wavering, because You are faithful who promised. Thank You, Father, in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Its actually a little rough this week

I apologize for not writing sooner, but its been a little difficult these last few days. Mom met with the new Dr. and he's not quite as positive as the last one. Mom is okay, but even more fatigued and nauseas than ever. I pray for her every day and night! She's had 4 rounds of chemo and considering that I would think she is doing fantastic, the new Dr. has brought up some up concerns that we don't have answers for yet. We have to wait till Sept. 8 and 9. There has been confusion and we need to get in touch with her other Doctor, Dr, Mita, who left for California. I will explain tomorrow, but I am tired and so is my mom. Bless you all.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Well, it went okay today and mom is feeling alright

It was a really late start with the chemo today, but she seemed to have a little bit of spunk when she got home. Just for a little bit, but it was good. Of course the nausea follows as usual. So the next Dr's appointment is on thursday and will get more information. Tomorrow, mom will go and get another thoracentesis done to take out the fluid that has built up.

Will keep you posted!!!

August 23 round 4 chemo

“Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work” (2 Thes. 2:16-17).

Mom's white blood count was good this morning so she is still getting the chemo. They took x-rays of her lungs and said not to worry too much. We will see the new Doctor on thursday and go over everything. It will be a really long day for mom at the hospital. She probably won't be done till around 8pm. She is alright and the fluid that is building up can be removed. She is stubborn, but she will not give up. She will continue to fight this and is staying strong!!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Have no fear, God is with us. Hear our prayer

“…the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:26-28).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Something is going on, but we don't know yet

Well, after round 3 we thought all was going great because the tumors looked like they were shrinking on the ct scan comparison from before starting to then. Right now, she feels like there is fluid building back up in her lung. Not sure what this means exactly, but it doesn't feel like its a sign in the direction we thought we were heading. She goes in for round 4 on tuesday and will get her white blood count done. We have a doctors appointment after that to which we will probably do another scan and get x-rays to check the lung and tumors.
I just pray that the tumors are shrinking and that she will soon be "no evidence of disease" so that all we have to do is continue with the maintenance program and that she will be okay. Its all just very scary and hard to relate. I know she feels lonely and scared. Pray and keep your faith. God bless!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Today was rough...

Well, mom really isn't feel good at all. It was a difficult day for her and just really felt awful. Feeling bad all day long has overwhelmed her and makes her feel frustrated. I hate seeing her feel so bad. I wish there was something I could do to help her feel better. It definitely doesn't help that on top of feeling so bad, all she wanted to do was lay down and try to relax and watch tv, but the uverse went out and wasn't getting a signal. I was on the phone with them, but they couldn't fix it and will send someone out tomorrow. Just really sucks because she likes to sleep with the noise of the television. The tv going out also added to me feeling guilty because I'm the one who changed companies and had the uverse installed and for some reason its been a little hanky. Hopefully they will fix it and it won't be expensive. I just want her to be comfortable and I know that its pretty much impossible.

She goes in for round 4 on the 23th.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Still nauseated, but hanging in there.

I apologize for it being a while since I've posted updates. I was out of town for a few days, but mom is doing alright. Its really hard for her to be nauseas all the time and she isn't keeping solids down very well. She is trying though, but it is difficult. She is staying positive and during the week she is out and trying to work as much as she can. The little bit of work she can do is helping to keep her mind off the cancer and chemo. I am very proud of her.

She did get another B12 shot on thursday so that should help her feel better and of course she continues to take folic acid every day and of course drink lots of water.

Please comment if you have any questions at all. I am more than happy to answer any questions. God bless you all and thank you.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tough week, but mom is strong

This 3rd round of chemo has hit her pretty hard. She still was running around and doing things this week but has been extremely nauseated by this round of chemo and I know that getting up and going to do for others every day is what she feels she needs to do. I am amazed at how she continues to think of others and do for them. We hope others see her as someone who they can go to for help. She is always helping others and will continue to do so. I hope that people will see her kindness and continue to help her as well.
 She is being strong and stubborn and sassy, as that is kind of her mantra in order to beat this disease (“beast” as she calls it) within. I am concerned because I know she is pushing herself.  So if you see her please be mindful and understand how she is doing. She puts on a good front, but she is in pain and managing.
The next treatment is scheduled for the 23rd of August and we pray that the white cell count stays up to allow the treatment because this last time it wasn’t and had to be moved.
Anyway, I am very happy that my Mom hasn’t lost her hair even though it is still shedding and changing colors, but that is a side effect of the chemo too.
The one message she reminds me of is that she loves her children very much and she is proud of all of us. I believe that my brothers and I are decent and good people and I will attribute that to all my parents. My mom really is an amazing person. She is an incredible woman, mother, friend, and human being.
Thank you.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Round 3 went well!!!

I just want to give everyone a quick update on mom's status. Round 3 went very well today. It was a late start, but there were no problems at all. I brought mom some lunch and we hung out during the chemo. At least they have tv so we were able to watch Dr Oz. Mom really likes that show. He is very informative. Anyway, it was slow and a long day in the hospital, but it was good. Afterwards mom was able to visit with a few friends. She is tired, but feeling alright. It truly is amazing that she is handling the chemo so well. The docors are so pleased at her results.

I will right more tomorrow. Have a great night and God bless!