On May 13, 2011, our mother, Cindy, was diagnosed with stage 4 Non small cell lung cancer (adenocarcinoma). She has never smoked a day in her life. Since being diagnosed, as a self-employed and charitable family law attorney she continued to work hard for others in need. We sincerely thank you for your contribution, prayers, and support for our mother.

-John, Vanessa, and Michael Hudson

Please enjoy reading our blog below with updates on Cindy's well-being and information about the disease, conditions, and treatments. God bless!

Please read and know that we are all so appreciative to you.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Tumors are shrinking! and some new changes in Dr's and plan

We received the Ct scan results from last saturday and the Dr. compared them to to the scans from May before she started chemotherapy. The tumors are shrinking and so are the cancerous lymph nodes in the pleural lining. This is absolutely fantastic!!! It means that the chemotherapy is working.

Please understand though, that even though it is awesome news, this new, life altering predicament is not over. She will have to live with this for the rest of her life on a maintenance chemo program until there is a cure. It was really hard to accept that, but we all have to.

I have to tell you that we were worried and curious about why the Dr. was even ordering a Ct scan after only 2 rounds of chemo and when they called last week for mom to get the scan done we were informed that her Dr is leaving and moving out to California. Its going to be alright because he cares so much about all of his patients and he will keep in touch! I truly believe that he will. He gave his word.

Mom's new Dr is supposed to be really great too. It is just difficult to switch Dr's mid-beginning when you and the family are already so emotionally involved. It just adds to the fear of the unknown. It really throws us for a loop because here are with our Dr., the Dr. of our dreams who is saving her life and doing everything that is right and now it all changes.We haven't met the new Dr yet either. Its the unknown. He may even change the Dr's orders- we don't know. Each dr. has there own phlilosophy on how to treat cancer as each person is affected differently anyway.

It is unnerving when the Dr., whom we trust, tells us that he and mom's next new Dr. have different philosophy's on treatment of cancer. I did ask if we can just tell the new Dr that we want to follow the previous orders. It is a little premature I guess, but it all happens so fast. Our doctor has his last in clinic next thursday. The new dr we won't even meet for a month. Mom will have done round 3 and 4 before we meet him. To me, that is a little scary. Makes me anxious.

I am praying for the best and I hope all of you know that your prayers are working!!! I will post more tomorrow, but for now sleep is in order for me. Feel free to leave comments or questions.

God bless!
-Vanessa L H Reyes

Your prayers mean so much!

Prayer is an essential tool for healing. Healing prayers come from those who pray for the sick as well as the sick praying for themselves. 

 Prayer is our greatest opportunity to connect with spiritual energy.

A prayer for healing
God, hear my prayer,
And let my cry come to You.
Do not hide from me in the day of my distress
Turn to me and speedily answer my prayer.
Eternal God, Source of healing,
Out of my distress I call upon You.
Help me sense Your presence
At this difficult time.
Grant me patience when the hours are heavy;
In hurt or disappointment give me courage.
Keep me trustful in Your love.
Give me strength for today, and hope for tomorrow.
To your loving hands I commit my spirit
When asleep and when awake. You are with me; I shall not fear

Sunday, July 24, 2011

CancerVive Foundation Golf Tournament Saturday July 30, 2011

The Kathryn Brown Cancervive Foundation is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit organization that is personally focused on assisting individuals that are currently battling the disease of cancer. Kathryn Brown who is a survivor of Ovarian and Breast Cancer continues to provide aid for individuals and family members who are suffering with this awful disease. We have been successful for what we do because of companies like yours who have donated to this cause.   As a foundation we are determined and focused on making life much easier for cancer patients in our community.
How can you help? We have teamed up with the Blue Knight chapter 12, Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club to host our 1st annual Charity for Golf, Golf tournament at the Westin La Cantera Resort, 8am, July 30, 2011. This tournament is in support of Attorney Cindy Hudson who was diagnosed with stage 4 Lung Cancer, with no health insurance.  Any level of your participation will be helpful and greatly appreciated.

I sincerely hope that you are able to contribute to our cause, and I look forward to discussing any questions that you may have regarding our organization or our scheduled golf tournament.


 Kathryn Brown

Kathryn Brown-CEO/Founder
210 386-1143-Cell Phone
 Email- Kathryn@ribbonsofawareness.org
Web Site-www.ribbonsofawareness.org

Saturday, July 23, 2011

This blog is about my mom

This blog is completely about my mom and cancer. Any kind of cancer as I am learning. The one thing about cancer that I have learned and completely realize is that for every person cancer is different. I will post as I understand. I will also post of my mom's condition.

For now, she still has her hair. She hasn't lost it, but it is thinning. She actually is doing rather well. She has been extremely nauseated and fatigued though. She is getting out of the house and working as much as she can. She had a CT scan today, but we won't get the results until next thursday. Her blood count has been low, but is getting checked regularly to monitor it. She is so amazing. I love her.


Friday, July 22, 2011

CTRC tomorrow for a CT scan... after 2 rounds

Well, Mom's blood count has been down and the Dr's office called yesterday because they want to do a Cat Scan of her situation and see how she is reacting to the chemo. It will be interesting, but we won't see the actual doctor till next thursday. We will have to wait.

God bless!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Radon and Lung Cancer

Radon is the number 2 cause of Lung Cancer and follows smoking as number 1. Radon is an oderless, tasteless, colorless, and radioactive gas that is formed naturally as uranium decays in the soil, rock, and water, and it is released into the air we breathe. Radon comes up through the ground into the air and into our homes where it can build up. Uranium is found in Texas and is mined here, however, the radon levels in Bexar county are reported as being low and at safe levels. It is recommended that everyone test their homes for radon levels because radon gas accumulates indoors and each home/or office will have different results. Testing your home is inexpensive and easy and the only way to know if you are at risk. Please note if your home is at risk, it can be fixed. There are radon reduction systems available and there are possibly easy fixes too. I recommend going to www.epa.gov/radon

Just so that everyone knows I waited before posting this information till I got the results back from testing mom's house, in which mom's house is fine and is well below the average radon levels in homes anyway. So, its not the house, which is great to know!!!

I really do recommend though that everyone test their homes. Radon gas is responsible for over 20,000 deaths a year. Levels are reportedly extremely high in Iowa state. Texas gov't will send out a free radon test kit (limited supply) that you can get through the Environmental Protection Website or your State Radon Office at http://www.epa.gov/radon/whereyoulive.html . Also, consider finding out what your levels of Radon are in your drinking water at Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 1 800-426-4791

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you


Monday, July 18, 2011

Help is always there

A cancer diagnosis for yourself or a loved one will immediately invoke several powerful emotions and an array of questions and concerns. Feelings of fear, uncertainty, and hopelessness are natural responses to receiving the news of a diagnosis.  There are groups for many different kinds of cancers including but not limited to breast cancer, skin cancer, and colon cancer. Even when diagnosed with a terminal type of cancer, like mesothelioma in which the median life expectancy is 4 to 18 months. you and your love ones will still benefit from maintaining a positive outlook. Thinking negatively will only reduce the mental and emotional energy that is necessary for surviving, healing, and coping with this sickness. 

The first and most important thing to consider is that you are not alone. There are millions of other people who are being treated for cancer, are in remission, or are survivors. Many people who have shared a similar experience are ready and waiting to help you through this difficult time. Whether you are a patient undergoing treatment, or a loved one looking for the best way to provide support, talking to others will be extremely helpful and therapeutic. Numerous websites and organizations are available to provide support and therapy. The
American Cancer Society has a section on their website devoted to finding support and treatment with articles ranging from paying for treatment, to coping with negative emotions. The importance of communication is stressed in building a support network and making sure that all the emotional needs of the patient are met. 

If you are not ready to talk yet, writing about your situation can be quite cathartic. It will also give you a way to organize your thoughts and feelings so you are able to communicate these to others when you are ready. Try a free flow form of writing in which you write down anything that comes to mind. It is important to identify what you are feeling so that you can cope with that feeling, however difficult it might be. Try to be as specific as possible. If you are scared, try to identify exactly what you are afraid of. Are you afraid of pain? Are you afraid of the costs of treatment? In order to absolve your fears and negative emotions, you must identify the source of negativity and face it directly. The most important thing to remember is that when you are ready: Help Is Always There!

For more information on support, try these sites:

By: David Haas

Cancer Support Groups

As the number of cancer diagnoses increases, so does the number of cancer support groups. Cancer support groups are groups in which cancer patients can join and find help, resources, and companionship in other cancer patients. Patients can find local, statewide, nationwide, and even international cancer support groups to join. Some groups are cancer specific, while many tailor to cancer patients in general.

These support groups are a great tool for fighting and surviving cancer. Many studies have examined these groups and have found them to be an important part of cancer treatment. One study examined the psychosocial benefits of cancer support groups and found that women in these groups were "significantly less depressed, less anxious, and had more knowledge of their illness.  This resulted in better relationships with care givers, fewer sexual difficulties, and more participation in leisure activities. 

Support groups also provide companionship for cancer patients. In these groups, people gain friends, connections, and support beneficial to their recovery. Many cancer support groups use the same methods and activities to help patients such as counseling, informational sessions about cancer related subjects, social events, doctor and hospital referrals, and some even include support like free rides and hotel stays. Cancer support groups are incredibly beneficial because they offer services and support that cancer patients cannot get on their own or from family members who have never had cancer.  Cancer support Groups are more than just information, they are a network of other cancer patients that will support each other, celebrate each other's victories, and share each other's tears.

Cancer support groups are the medicine that doctors cannot inject and cancer cannot defeat. Many studies even show a correspondence of survival rates to cancer support treatment groups. Support groups can help you manage and survive during cancer. Even for those who have non-treatable cancers, these groups can help inject a positive outlook on life, which might not increase their life expectancy, but will most definitely make their last years more comfortable and enjoyable. When medicine and support come together, we can win against cancer!

By: David Haas

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Dr's appointment tomorrow at CTRC

Tomorrow we have an appointment at 11am to go over how mom is feeling and and handling the treatment so far. Mainly she is extremely nauseas. The nausea has been getting worse and she hasn't kept her food down to well lately. Other than that she is feeling okay and is moving around just fine. She is still working a little bit right now while she can which is good because it helps keep her mind off of things. She has had a few good cries, but she is handling it well. She knows and understands that God gives us what we can handle. She is strong and will overcome!


Vote and help Cancer Alliance donate money!

The Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance is giving a dollar per follower of @CancerAlliance to a cancer organization with the most votes.  They are currently holding an online poll which can be found at http://can.cr/vote.  This is a great way to make a difference in the cancer community! I hope everyone will join in the fight to defend against this deadly disease!  The Jimmy Fund is the organization with the most votes right now so start voting and following if you want to make a difference!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 1 after round 2

So far so good! Mom seems to have had a good weekend. She is feeling nauseated and fatigued and her throat is sore, but she is getting around well and getting out of the house a little. It takes a few days for the chemo to actually kick in. So, we imagine that by wednesday she probably won't be feeling up to doing much.

Please feel free to reply, leave comments, and ask questions.

Thank you all.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Round 2

We are starting round two of chemo today. We've been at the hospital since 7:15 and mom got hooked up around 9am. So, it will be a long day, but atleast I was able to get the internet working!  : )

She has some magazines, laptop, and chocolate! Oh and her phone for texting. So, if anyone would like to send her prayers and positive thinking she is available through her texting. : )

She did eat a potato and egg breakfast taco so thats good.

Prayers all around!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

We had a great 4th of July weekend

This weekend was a lot of fun with the grandkids and all of us being together. We went to Canyon Lake for a little while on Saturday, the Circus on Sunday, and hung out by the pool on Monday morning for a little bit. It was really great to get some activities in and just be with those adorable little boys.

This week has been good for Cindy. She is getting out of the house and working a little bit too. She will start round 2 of the chemotherapy on friday the 8th. So she will start taking the steroid for 3 days again tomorrow. As it is she takes the folic acid everyday and her diet is cooked vegetables and meat and extremely well washed/peeled fruits. She will drink the Odwalla superfood smoothies which is good and the boost/ensure chocolate milk shakes (full of nutrients).

After this second treatment we will probably start to see some more of the common side effects. Our hopes and prayers are that she does not suffer any more at all and heals well from it.

My husband and I will be moving in with her soon to help her through the treatment and take care of her. As it is we live 20-25 minutes away from her and it would just be easier to be there just in case. I am more than positive that she will overcome this obstacle. We all know it will be difficult going through the chemotherapy treatments as it will become harder on her body, but she is so strong and God's love shines through her, she will get through this!

Thank you all for love, support, and all of your help. God bless you.

-Vanessa Hudson Reyes